General purpose manual arc spray unit for the application of coatings for corrosion control, wear protection, lubricous surfaces on bearing seats, bond coats for paints and other coatings with high output rates.


Key characteristics

Compact system for on-site applications
Applies metallic alloys and pure metal wires
Require only compressed air for operation
Simple operation and maintenance


Output amperage 200 A / 300 A
Spray gun compatibility Handheld LD/U2
Wire drive unit Pneumatic Push-Pull System


BRO-0007.7 Electric Arc Wire Spray Solutions (EN)



BRO-0005.6 An Introduction to Thermal Spray (EN)



BRO-0002.13 Thermal Spray Equipment Guide (EN)



Product Information

DSE-0037.4 Metco FLEXI ARC 300 Electric Arc Spray System (EN)



DSE-0036.3 FLEXI ARC 200 Electric Arc Spray System (EN)



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